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Human Beginner's Guide

In Getting Started

Make sure you have only one account in the game.

This is important if you plan on not getting banned for rule breaking. As of Game Update 6, because you can now play 2 characters on one account, there is no need to have more than one Quarantine2019 account. You check the rules here.

Energy Points

If you want to survive in this game, the first thing you have to know is how to manage your energy points. Every action you take costs a certain amount of energy points, whether that is walking, attacking, or climbing into a building when you're looking for a place to spend the night. You're also capped at 50 points total at any one point in time, so be cautious. Energy points regenerate at 1 point per 7 minutes 12 seconds (1 EP / 7:12 min), which means you will have a full 50 EP every 6 hours, or 4 times a day. There's a couple of different ways to spend your EP - use it whenever you have enough to move around, or save up for the full 50, and that's up to you. The important part is to remember to leave enough to get back "home" or to wherever you're using as your safehouse for the night, because sleeping in the streets is suicide. Example: Hey RobZombie, there's a streetmeat standing outside 777's Shack. Free brains!


Movement generally costs about 1EP per square, or flight of stairs. Any of the blocks on the Minimap display to your left that are clickable are squares you can access, with each square representing one block. Steps may be horizontal or vertical, or diagonal, but always one at a time. You enter a building by going to that block and clicking on either the building's name, or by clicking the "1" indicating the first floor. Movement across floors similarly is through clicking the stairs in the text, or by clicking the floor number you want to go to. For leaving a building, you can click directly to the next block instead of exiting through the doors. Note that walking out of a building with secured doors means you will automatically unlock the doors, although this will not affect reinforced doors and unsecured doors.

If movement costs 2 EP per square or you have a message telling you that you are overloaded, you need to get inventory items, which will be explained below, after Climbing and Reinforcing.


If your building is reinforced, you will have to climb in and out of the building. There is no skill in Quarantine that allows you to move between barricaded buildings, so remember this if you're securing and reinforcing doors during the first 3 days of a new round, and if you are running low on EP. If the building is reinforced, simply click on the building's name while you are on that building's block in order to choose the option to "climb into building". If you have not bought any of the climbing skills, base climb has a 20% chance of success, with each skill you buy bumping it up 20% (20/40/60/80 max). The option to Climb in Carefully allows you to climb at 40/55/70/85 max, and is your friend if you haven't bought any climbing skills yet. See the Climbing page for more details. If you are repeatedly trying to climb into a building, watch your EP and your health carefully because each climb costs at least 2 EP and failed climbs result in fall damage. Failed climbs probably kill more new players, either directly or indirectly, than anything else. Fainting on the streets because you ran out of EP is a very easy way to die. Even veteran players do this when they are not careful.


Simply because this is an incredible source of grief (and deaths), we'll put special emphasis on early round cading. As indicated in the previous paragraph, climbing can be dangerous. In the early game, reinforced buildings lock players out of places they can safely stay because climbing is a skill that must be bought. During the first few days of a round, pretty much nobody will have climbing skills and reinforcing buildings will be almost completely unnecessary. Zombies start off just as bad at clawing down doors as you start off bad at climbing. Zombies also cannot enter a building unless the doors are open or destroyed, and on Claw 1 (not even Claw 0) won't be able to take down a door without using up their energy points. As a result, you should not reinforce a door until there are at least 3-5 smart zombies in the game, which you can check at the class statistics page.If movement costs 2 EP per square or you have a message telling you that you are overloaded, you need to get inventory items, which will be explained below.

Of course, there are exceptions. Power plants and internet service providers (ISPs) should always be fully reinforced and stairs barricaded. The buildings that are in the first 3 rows from a ruined district may also be tolerably reinforced, because those are the buildings that zombies will target. However, early round reinforcing altogether is something to be avoided. Unless you have a really, really good idea of what you're doing, think again before barricading within the first few days. Also, there is almost no reason to ever barricade stairs unless you're in a power plant or ISP. All you do is block off a floor to another human, who must then unbarricade it to access it. It's a jerk move.


Now that you have gotten the basics down, it's time to get some items. First of all, how do you obtain items? You do so by searching, which is usually done indoors in a building, but can also be done in cemeteries and parks. It is worth noting that searching when lights in your building are off, your search rates will be half as successful as they would be if you were searching with lights on, like any proper citizen with half a brain would be doing. Therefore, read the building description and make sure your lights are on! Lit buildings will have their building name in yellow, and the number of the floor you are on should likewise be on a yellow background. Light gray indicates lights are off. For a building to be lit, it must be powered, so if the district has no power, plug in a fueled generator if you have one. Then, after making sure lights are on (or not, if you're desperate), you click on the building name and select "Search for Items" in the drop down menu.

Also noteworthy is that the building's description, such as "Clean and organized" or "Rifled through" indicatse your success rate of finding items. "Clean and organized" is ideal; "rifled through" is next; and so on. Check the Searching page to see the full list.


One of the first things you'll want probably include one of the inventory expanding items, of which there are 3 in-game: backpack (+25 IP), wheelbarrow (+50 IP), and the red wagon (+50 IP). You start out with 15 IP by default. Most people will grab at least one of the inventory expanding ones at the start, but some veteran players will go straight for weapons. Check the Findrates page to see where items can be found. Your inventory can be accessed by clicking the "Inventory" link in your Character Info panel beneath the mini-map, or by clicking your character name near the top of the page on the left column, where all your game information is displayed. It will appear in the drop down menu.


Of course, you'll also want weapons, and perhaps a medkit. There are several weapons in the game, of varying damages and accuracy. It is important to note that 80% accuracy is not required to be an effective zombie killer, or anywhere near it. See the Items Page for a full list of weapons and their accuracies. The highest damage melee weapons in the game are sledgehammers (5 dmg), and then axes, pitchforks, and katanas at 4 damage each. You start with 25% accuracy for sledgehammers, and 30% for the 4 damage weapons, and each increasing skill level changes your accuracy by +10%. Example: If you are using a sledgehammer, accuracy goes from 25/35/45/55 max, whereas axes go 30/40/50/60 max. Some lower damage weapons have higher base accuracies, so make sure to see the full page. Both high damage and low damage weapons each have their moments of glory, even if you don't feel like cutting up a zombie with a steak knife (2 damage).


Who cares about melees? Gimme the guns! Well, well, normally guns would be the default go-to weapon in a zombie apocalypse, but you, unfortunately, are a citizen who knows little about caring for and using guns. When buying skills, if you invest skill points in guns, guns are in a separate skill tree than melee weapons, so you are specializing. This is important once you understand how guns work. Handguns start at 25% accuracy, and shotguns at 30% accuracy. Each level in gun skills adds +10%, just like melees, but as a citizen, you can only buy 2 ranks in guns, maxing out at 45% and 50% accuracy. After that, you must buy the soldier class in order to obtain further ranks in gun skills. Each attack costs you a bullet, which means guns require constant maintenance in searching for bullets and in reloading guns, both of which cost energy points. Handguns deal 6 damage per successful shot; shotguns fire 3 times per "shot", with each of the 3 having an independent chance of hitting. If you miss with a shotgun, you have a chance of hitting another zombie in the room, if there are other zombies present, and handguns have a 50% chance of magically returning the bullet that missed, according to the Game Update 6 Patchnotes.

Just as weapons must be replaced when they break, guns require constant searching to obtain ammunition. Handguns and shotguns each use separate types of bullets. However, handguns can only store 6 bullets at once, and shotguns 2 bullets, requiring reloading (1 EP) when you run out.

In other words, think carefully before you choose to specialize entirely in guns when you are leveling up. While they potentially deal the highest damage in the game, you spend a lot of EP maintaining them, and success in this game is tied entirely to how well you use your EP. Melee weapons can be extremely effective and sometimes even better weapons than guns, and aren't just for decoration.

Radios and Communication

Portable radios are the main form of communication in the game. Radio transceivers also connect you to the main broadcasting channel, 27.22, which comes pre-tuned on all radios, but portable radios are superior in that they can be carried with you and don't require a building to be powered. However, remember that broadcasting your location can be dangerous. The Smart Zombie class can understand radio messages if they find a radio tranceiver in an abandoned building, and may report to their fellows where you're holed up.Likewise, keep a degree of caution when on the game chats. In the serverwide and newbie help chats, zombies will be present and listening when you give out your location. For the human chat, your degree of paranoia depends on personal preference. There are eyes and ears in the walls.

Skills and Classing

By now you've heard me talk about skills and classes. In Quarantine2019, your skills aren't tied to your level. You gain skill points for certain actions you do, such as repairing, healing, and attacking zombies, which can then be used to buy skills. Therefore, your level is not important. What is important is what skills you have bought. Skills can be bought by clicking the "Skills" link in your character panel, under the mini-map, or by clicking your username and choosing "Skills" from the drop down menu. You start off each round with 50 SP, and the Skills page displays what skills you can buy. To determine what skills you already have, just see what skills are currently displayed. If it says "Climbing - Rank 2", then that means you have "Climbing - Rank 1", because the second level is available to you. If you cannot buy a skill, either you do not have enough skill points at the moment, or you have maxed it out.

Climbing skills are very important once people start reinforcing buildings. Very, very important.

There are 4 human classes in the game: engineer, medic, scientist, and soldier. You may buy a class when you have accumulated 250 SP. Each has a different role to play in the game, which I will cover briefly below.
  • Engineer: repairs buildings and professionally barricades buildings. The zombie win condition is to completely ruin every floor in the game; engineers are the class specialized to repair ruined buildings, and can barricade buildings significantly more strongly than other citizen classes are able to. One of the most underappreciated classes, and very, very important for humans to win.
  • Medic: heals citizens. Medics can heal 10 hp with a medkit rather than the civilian 5 hp, and can eventually learn how to heal without medkits when they buy enough skills. With the right skill, medics can also detect if other citizens are infected with the zombie virus. A class that can be for either team players, or solo players, and very versatile.
  • Scientist: researches the cure and professionally "humanizes" zombies. Scientists are the sole class that can analyze brain samples for the human win goal, and also have the highest rates of success in turning zombies human. Scientists are also the only class that can operate laboratory equipment, which can be used to produce vials of antidote, which also last longer than vials simply found in hospitals and laboratories. Absolutely necessary for humans to win a round.
  • Soldier: specializes in "zombie management". While they focus on something every citizen is able to do, namely attacking and killing zombies, they are marginally better at it, and enjoy better health than the average citizen.

Staying Human

If you are a human and want to stay human, choose where you sleep carefully. Certain buildings that are more useful to humans are more likely to be attacked by zombies. For example, power plants, laboratories, and internet service providers, all crucial buildings to the human side, are very likely to be attacked by zombies. For your safety, it is advised to sleep in more inconspicuous buildings, and to also avoid buildings where weapons and medkits can be found with relative ease. There is no hard and fast rule to this, although veteran players usually have their preferred buildings to sleep in. The basic idea is, stay in the building that doesn't stand out. If it's the only lit/unlit building or the only barricaded/unbarricaded building in the area, you will also stand out, so make sure your building does not strike you as unusual when you are looking at it on the mini-map.Be advised that while grouping up with other humans may make you feel safer, large gatherings of humans are likely to attract zombies, especially if the group insists on staying in the same building day after day. Zombies move around; you probably should too.
Also, every single attack by a zombie, whether claw or bite, has a chance of infecting you. Although the infection itself will not kill you, if you die later, you will rise as a zombie. Therefore, if you have been badly injured by a zombie, consider getting medical treatment, which may or may not include an injection. Injections in humans will always be successful, and will cure you if you are infected. High health will also make you less susceptible to infection, most likely because your poor, abused immune system won't also be dealing with the less worrisome common infections.
As it gets later on in the round, buy Infection Resistance skills. While you will never be immune to infection, 1% infect is a lot better than the 10% infect chances Smart Zombies have per attack. When zombies have more than 60% of the buildings ruined, which you can check on the buildings statistics page, you should start getting the first few ranks of Infect Resist depending on how much SP you're willing to invest. This is up to personal preference, but keeping your HP high and buying infection resistance, while choosing good places to sleep, go a long way towards keeping you human throughout the round. Many veteran players can go through several rounds without ever being turned.

Death and Zombification

If you're dead, first, don't panic! Next, check to see if your name is in green or in pink. If your name is in pink and the game text does not tell you that you have been zombified, you're still human and safe. You may revive yourself with a minimum of 10 EP. Each energy point you use to revive yourself with translates into 2 HP. Example: If I use 25 EP to revive myself, I will revive at a full and healthy 50 HP. It is advisable to stand with enough EP leftover to find a safe place to stay, and the better health you're in, the less likely you are to be reinfected.If you are a zombie... Now you're going to go beg for revives. The popular zombie grunt for requesting revives is "Arrrh?" Stand up with minimal HP (zombies revive with the following: EP x 2 HP + 10 HP) and make sure your profile description says "Inject me!" or "Wants to be human!" in the zombie profile. This can be done by clicking the "Manage" link at the very top of the page, on the navbar next to where it says "username (active)". From there, you may select "Edit Character" for any character of yours, which will give you the option of writing the profile description.
Keep in mind that while injects are most easily obtained in laboratories and hospitals, it is best not to stand directly outside a laboratory because this attracts the attention of other zombies. Therefore, it is best to stand next to either a laboratory or hospital, or stand in a graveyard nearby such a building. Scientists that are climbing out of the laboratory or hospital will see you if you are outside, on the minimap. Alternatively, you may get inside the building, but clawing down the doors or otherwise damaging the building will make you unpopular with the scientists. (Hint: There is another way to get inside a building as a zombie).

Winning the Game

Humans win by reaching 100% cure research. While only scientists can analyze brain samples, they need to know where dead zombies are in order to obtain the brain samples. Hint: Somehow let scientists know where new kills are.
On a different note, zombies win when they have ruined every single building in the game. As a result, it is beneficial to make it difficult to ruin buildings, whether that means repairing buildings they've ruined, or by repairing damaged fuseboxes, which need to be destroyed in order to ruin any floors on that block.

Hooking a generator up to a floor also requires zombies to destroy the generator before ruining the floor. Repairing ruined buildings can be done by using a toolbox, if you have the right skill, but anyone can repair fuseboxes and hook up generators. Computers are also important to winning. Scientists use computers to process brain samples, so hook up computers if you can. Also repair them whenever you can, because computers stop working if they are even slightly damaged.

For critical buildings, Internet Service Providers (ISP's) are crucial if scientists want to reach 100% before zombies have fully ruined the city. Make sure to keep ISPs fully repaired, hooked up with generators (gennies), and barricaded whenever you can. Both ISPs and Power Plants should always be fully barricaded on both the stairs and doors, to prevent access (by zombies) to the routers and controls they possess on their top floors. These equipment do not require human usage to function, and simply need to be in good condition to work. At the start of the game, power plants are important because they keep lights on for the newly spawned humans to search with, but later the focus is more on ISPs and maintaining laboratories. Hospitals will always be important, but laboratories are much more crucial mid- to late-game.

Finally, Quarantine2019 is a team game. It's not about who can kill the most zombies, it's about which side can accomplish its goal the fastest. Each class has a part to play, and the human game is a race against time to perfect the cure before the zombie infestation takes over the city. If you play your part and we're lucky, we can turn it back before we all become the walking dead.

You may be interested in reading the Zombie Guide to see how humans play. Know thy enemy.
Contact Dynasty through forum PMs with comments and feedback on this guide

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